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When our initial plan for Thailand, a ten-day Permaculture Design Course (PDC) at Rak Tamachat farm, fell through due to a change of date on their part, we were on the road and taken by surprise. In spite of many friends raving about Thailand, I was a bit worried it would be overly touristy and that our lack of research would backfire into a lukewarm trip. Luckily, Facebook saved the day. We crowdsourced what we should do during our ten days, and the verdict was loud and clear: go play

A few weeks ago we had the chance to spend the day with Paul Bruns, founder of Hlumelelisa, a non-profit that works with prison inmates to train them in horticulture and gardening as a way to contribute to their rehabilitation and reintegration into society. The need to heal and renew the spirit underpins the principles of Hlumelelisa, and is reflected in its name which is the Nguni word for "a new spirit". The initiative, a 10-month program, embraces permaculture principles, focusing on water management and seed conservation for a

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