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From recent conversations with friends, it has become clear that many of you wonder what in the world we are doing, not big picture but on a daily basis. So, here’s a taste of what a Cramooz day sort of looks like-ish… Ever since the arrival of “Mojito the mutt” – our adorable puppy born Feb 14 and adopted by us April 23 this year – into our lives, my daily routine begins around 6am. I get up, let the puppy out so he can respond to the call

Sometimes when you get to a destination it feels like you are coming home, usually a combination of the how you respond to the physical space and most importantly the people. That’s what Kenilworth Free Range Farm was to us. We arrived in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast on a dark and rainy night (yes, the irony was not lost on us), having taken a bus for a few hours from Brisbane airport. We spent one night in the McWilliams’ home “in town” before heading to Kenilworth Free Range

The story of how we ended up on this particular farm in Perth started when I was in high school and a new kid, Jesse, sat next to me during orchestra practice because our instruments – he played the viola and I played the cello – dictated it. Fifteen years or so later we’re still friends (orchestra was a bonding experience), and when we started organizing our around the world honeymoon with wwoofing planned along the way, I remembered Jesse’s family used to have an organic farm in Australia.

We had not initially planned to volunteer on a farm in Cambodia, but after our permaculture plans in Thailand fell through, we decided it would be a shame to go through all of our SE Asia itinerary without any farming experience. For once, Workaway did not have any inspiring projects, so we turned to Google. A few clicks and articles later, we came across a blog about a couple who spent time on an organic farm outside Siem Reap. We followed the OrganiKH trail, contacted the farm via

During our whirlwind 5-day tour of Spain a few weeks ago, which included Madrid and its surroundings from Rioja all the way to Salamanca, we did a lot of driving. To balance that out, we reached out to a few WorkAway projects to try and visit a small-scale farm in order to get a better feel for what the soil is like, whether there is a community around sustainable or organic small-scale agriculture, and other such critical details we could factor into the big decision: Portugal or Spain? Kahlyn

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