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World Tour Planning

Earlier this week, I had a wonderful talk with Gloria from Farmstead Talk. We "met" on Instagram, and chatted via Zoom. Ah, the beauty of social media and technology. Gloria is a retired nurse (back at work to provide additional Covid19 support to her community) who lives on a farm in the mountains and embarked on a project to interview one homestead for each of the 50 states in the US. Then she decided to expand her interviews to international projects, which is where we raised our hand, almost

It started as a joke, this idea of doing 5000km and going from Bogota all the way to La Paz by bus. But then, as the airfares continued to defy our budget week after week and month after month, we decided it was our best option and made an adventure out of it (how could we not!). We found out the hard way, albeit with minimal consequences, that any information about bus schedules and prices that can be found online are unreliable and should be used as a very

Can a year of travel and experiences change a person? Or maybe I should ask how could it not? Being at the “halfway mark” of our one year around-the-world belated honeymoon “sabbatical”, both geographically and time-wise, it seemed like a propitious time to pause and reflect on our adventures so far. To date, we have visited a selection of countries in Europe, East and South Africa, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Next is South and Central America. We have narrowly missed bombings (Thailand, August 2016) and two earthquakes

 This post only exists in French. It explains what WWOOFing is, why we are taking that approach for most of our trip, and lists websites to find such projects around the world. Who knows, you might be inspired to spend time on a farm and "WWOOF" on your next vacation! Afin de prolonger notre voyage au maximum et sans dépenser tout notre budget en hébergement, mais également afin de découvrir des projets similaire à celui que nous désirons mettre en place, nous avons décidé de faire du volontariat dans des

This post only exists in French. It talks about the various options when booking flights for an around the world trip, and why it might make more sense to book everything yourself (or not). Acheter les billets d’avion est certainement la partie la plus compliquée du voyage. D’après moi, 3 options s’offrent à vous : Billet « tour du monde ». Passer par une agence de voyage. Acheter les billets individuellement et soi-même.   Billet « tour du monde » Un bon endroit pour esquisser un itinéraire tour du monde est Airtreks : le site est en

My mother always assumed that having a daughter was synonymous with dresses and playing princess. Then I showed up, and went through phases where only wore pants, came back from birthday parties covered in mud because I HAD to go out and play soccer with the boys, and secretly signed up for the baseball team. I don’t ever remember wanting to be a doctor or an astronaut, but I had a plan. I envisioned a big house with a lot of land. Chickens to give us eggs, cows for

This post only exists in French. Francois writes about how we decided to embark on an unusual honeymoon and kickstarting the process with a honeymoon fund instead of a more traditional wedding registry. D’après l’app “Big Days”, téléchargée il y a quelques temps, il reste 121 jours jusqu’à ma remise de diplôme ; et donc 123 jours jusqu’à notre départ des US. Je ne me souviens plus très bien à quel moment de nos préparatifs de mariage Shahnaz a émis l’idée de faire un tour du monde pour notre lune

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