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Author: Shahnaz Radjy

Here's an amazing recipe for one of the best fall appetizer's I know. It's courtesy of Menno Simon, the absolutely phenomenal chef from Vinha da Manta (a gorgeous glamping in rural Portugal not 20min away from us at Casa Beatrix). If you've foraged the wild mushrooms yourself, they will taste the best, but otherwise, see what's on offer at your closest market or supermarket and give it a try. Note: With mushrooms, be responsible! Check books and do your homework. If you're not 100% sure of an ID, don't

If you’re just interested in finding out about mushroom walks and experiences, skip the first bit! The first time I went mushroom hunting was in Belgium, on the same trip when I met my future in-laws for the first time. It was a wild new frontier for me, but as I enjoyed the woods, I was also intent on finding at least one mushroom so my honor would be safe. I managed, barely. Mushrooms can be sneaky! Fast forward a few years, and my now husband and I move to

Ever since we got to Portugal, and before we even bought our farm, we have been worried about wildfires. It was never a question of IF but WHEN we were faced with such a crisis, and after five years on our property, it happened. Well, I say that, but - spoiler alert - we got lucky and Casa Beatrix was spared. Still, I am sharing the below as part of the chronicles of our life in Portugal and what goes on behind the scenes. It's a bit of

One day, we drove to a farm across the valley from us in Videmonte, to go and visit the farmer who would end up selling us our goats. As we got out of the car, I was surprised to hear birds singing. And I was surprised to be surprised by what I had always considered a normal part of "the soundtrack of nature". I remember saying to Francois, "Do you hear all those birds? I don't think we have any at home, but is that even possible?" Once home, we listened

A lifetime ago, pre-pandemic, Francois and I came across a lovely stall at a market: not only did it sell gorgeous baskets perfect for picnics or future vegetable garden harvests, but the man responsible was sitting there, weaving a basket to add to his for-sale collection. The thing is, Francois has been enamored with the idea of weaving for almost as long as I have known him. When we were in Argentina, he got his mother to teach him to crochet so he could make a shoulder strap water bottle

A few months ago, a colleague commented in passing that he “wouldn’t be able to live without a hot shower every day, and would go feral within a week”. It made me laugh, but it also made me think. First, I think it’s crazy that we are all so used to hot water just coming out of the tap that we don’t give a second thought about taking a shower every day, sometimes even twice a day for those with a daily habit that also go to the gym.

This past growing season was my best yet - and that despite my being a new mom who was squeezing in planting, weeding, and harvesting into 15-30min increments for the better part of the season! We got more things, in greater quantities, more frequently. It's the first year it felt like I was truly supplementing our diets with homegrown goodies. It made me feel like a superhero. I even had enough tomatoes to make a few batches of sauce that I froze! Happiness. We grew lots of carrots and garlic for

One of my favourite things about living on a farm is that you’re never bored, and life becomes full of unexpected – and often wonderful – surprises. This past Saturday took that to a whole new level as a dream of mine came true in the most effortless, spontaneous, beautiful way. An afternoon hike in the best of company After our last birthday lunch for F’s 39th (this year we did mini celebrations over a 10-day period, which I suspect marks the beginning of a new tradition), two friends joined

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