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New York, New York

We left New York City on Friday. It is still surreal, and will probably take quite a while to sink in. That said, I can already say that there are some things I will miss a lot and others not so much.

I will miss…

  • The energy of the city that never sleeps
  • Randomly epic events, like the Mermaid party by Gemini & Scorpio
  • Learning and trying new things: trapeze, video editing, how to make bread
  • Rooftop bbqs, especially those with the 248 crew
  • Endless entertainment options, from Broadway shows to stand up comedy, immersive theater, or concerts (including morning concerts in Central Park, pop concerts at Madison Square Garden or Terminal 5, and unique events like “Bugs Bunny at the Symphony” which is of course my personal favorite)
  • Netflix and binge-watching shows
  • Inspiring happy hours like the ones by the sustainable energy crew
  • The most comfortable movie theater ever, at 84th and Broadway
  • Brooklyn

I won’t miss…

  • Tourists at Times Square, who always outnumber me by a factor of way too much
  • Suspiciously empty subway cars (only ever due to a broken air conditioner or an unfortunately smelly homeless person – or worse, both!)
  • Cronuts
  • Sirens, and I don’t mean mermaids which we have established I think are wonderful
  • The healthcare system, and the utterly illogical pricing, coverage, and in versus out of network rules
  • Trump

More than anything, the two things I look forward to going back to New York for are the incredible people who live there, and the restaurants serving the kind of food where every bite is a party in your mouth.

Next stop: Portugal!

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